

I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions. Of course, I aim to eat less candy and exercise more in 2011 than I did in 2010, but that is always my goal, and if I tell myself and others that is my resolution for the New Year, I’ll only feel even worse during the inevitable periods of failure.

That being said, I do have a resolution of the more intangible sort, inspired by the Shutter Sisters’ One Word Project: to focus on light. This resolution is both abstract and emotional – the good things in my life outweigh the bad ones, and I need to get better at remembering that – and concrete – I’m so happy with the results when I have been including tangible light in my photography lately, in the shape of bokeh or flares, in reflections and lights at night, or in the colours of sunset like the above.

My wishes for a year filled with light for everyone.

About Jenny Graver

Living in Oslo, Norway, with her partner and their infant son, Jenny struggles for balance between all the things that makes life worth living - her family, her job in university administration, her writing, learning and her photography. View all posts by Jenny Graver

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